Holiday Wreaths
Make the Money Your Group Needs Selling Wreaths!
This year, let your efforts during the Christmas season lead to a reward your group will enjoy the entire year. Non-profit groups are able to benefit from a Christmas buying habit. Every Christmas season homes are decorated with wreaths. It is especially nice to have a fresh, natural evergreen wreath hanging in or around your home -- the aroma alone is priceless.
The sale of Christmas wreaths during October and November can generate enough funds to cover most of the expenses your group incurs throughout the rest of the year. Your efforts in just a few weekends can give your group financial security.
The elements of this project make it ideal for fund raising. Your group will be selling an attractive, reasonably priced, high quality, festive product at the right time of the year. All participants in this program receive an open account. You make all sales in advance, and then order exactly what you have sold. When you deliver the wreaths, you collect the money. At that point, you pay your distributor the wholesale price.
There is no initial investment, no cash advance, no chance for loss on your part.
To aid your sales efforts, a four-color sales order sheet is available. Online ordering is also available. The orders are easily recorded while your customers see beautiful color pictures of the wreaths. Best of all, the sales order sheet and online orders automatically generates a list of your customers for next year when you recontact them for their new orders.
These order sheets do not have to be paid for until after you make your delivery and collect your money. This website will answer many of the questions you may have, plus show your group's profit possibilities.
Ultimately, this project is as big as you make it. Your group has a chance to work together for its own benefit, and the youth have an opportunity to take responsibility for a small business. In this program your efforts are definitely rewarded.